Aviation Legislation General Training Course

Aviation Legislation General Training Course
Who is the course for?
The world of aircraft is in continuous and constant evolution, therefore the legislation relating to it is also updated periodically.
Aircraft Engineering Academy makes available to companies (and not only) the possibility of taking advantage of tailor-made courses in the field of Aeronautical Regulations.
These courses are mainly aimed at companies operating in the sector for the qualification of their staff; however, the classes are also open to individuals who need specific training to qualify themselves for post-holder positions in their work environment.
The syllabuses of our courses can be customized according to the customer’s needs (within certain limits), as our academy is able to guarantee ample training flexibility.
The courses are held both by AEA instructors approved for teaching in our Basic Training Courses by the Competent Authority and by qualified personnel with proven experience in each subject.
Our training offer in the field of Aviation Legislation ranges within the following areas:
2-day training course on regulation 748/2012 and its amendments. The course is aimed at qualified and non-qualified personnel who operate or want to operate in DOA and POA approved organizations.
2-day training course on Safety and Security issues in the Airport area and on interconnections with the requests of aircraft operators.
1-day training course on issues related to the transport of dangerous goods. Analysis of current legislation and “case of studies” for implementation.
Several courses are available on Regulation 1321/2014 – Annex I – Part-M and on the transition of certified organizations to annexes Vc – PART-CAMO and Vd – PART-CAO.
The duration varying from 1 day to 3 days is agreed according to the needs and the initial level of preparation of the candidates.
2-day training course on regulation 1321/2014 – Annex II and its amendments. The course is aimed at qualified and non-qualified personnel who work in the CMPA maintenance field. It is possible to define a “REFRESH” program lasting 1 day for staff interested in acquiring skills on regulatory updates.
2-day training course on regulation 1321/2014 Annexes III (PART-66) and IV (PART-147) and its amendments. The course is intended for qualified and non-qualified personnel who operate or want to operate in MTO approved training organizations.
2-day training course on the implementation of the Safety Management System concept in the Continuous Airworthiness field.
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Course duration:
1 to 2 days depending on the course
Who are these course for:
These courses are mainly aimed at companies operating in the sector for the qualification of their staff; however, the classes are also open to individuals who need specific training to qualify for postholder positions in their work environment.