Interactive online seminars

Online review seminars

Following the limitations imposed by the ministerial provisions issued to deal with the Covid-19 emergency, AEA, the first and only training academy for aircraft maintenance technicians in Italy, has activated itself to allow all students to attend the review seminars remotely, in shared mode.

The Academy, in fact, already offers all members the opportunity to participate in review seminars at the headquarters before each exam.

These Review Classrom Seminars are designed for students who, in addition to obtaining a license, want to invest their time to increase their skills and improve their understanding of the technologies at the service of a complex reality such as aeronautics…

They also allow those who follow online courses, to speak to the instructor of the subject under examination, to receive additional clarifications and explanations.

From now on, the seminars will be streamed online, so that everyone can participate remotely, wherever they are. All this is possible thanks to a free application for the student, available for every device (smartphone, tablet, computer) and compatible with all operating systems. This shared lesson mode allows instructor to organize a video conference, whose main feature is interactivity. The AEA instructor will use the online platform to carry out his review lesson, and all connected students will be able to actively participate in the lesson, ask questions and listen to the interventions of the other connected students.

In this way, therefore, the typical interaction of AEA classroom lessons will be guaranteed.

The mutual student-teacher exchange is ensured by a two-way audio-video communication channel and the student can also interact not only by voice, but also by sharing multimedia content.

AEA, which has recently exceeded 420 students enrolled in the courses, has studied this solution in order to facilitate learning for students taking online courses, coming from different parts of Italy.

This version of smart teaching will allow them to: reduce the transfer costs to the operational headquarters, limiting them to the exam day only; optimize study times, avoiding waste of time while travelling; give the opportunity to follow the in-depth lessons also at remote bases.

The new online review seminars are already available for all scheduled exam sessions.